Sustainable fisheries: EU and Norway conclude arrangements to modernise the exchange of fisheries control data
On 29 June, the EU and Norway concluded fisheries consultations that will modernise the exchange of fisheries data for control purposes. The two delegations agreed to use a common software platform for data exchanges, the FLUX Transportation Layer, developed by the European Commission. They agreed to start using the software to exchange vessel position data as of 1 January 2023, with other types of data to follow. The harmonisation of data exchange formats reduces costs, making fisheries control more accessible to public authorities. The EU and Norway also agreed to increase the frequency of transmissions of vessel positions to 30 minutes for Danish, Swedish and Norwegian vessels fishing in the Skagerrak. More: here
Eureka ! An interactive platform for knowledge is created !
During the last two years, the EUREKA Horizon 2020 project has developed and tested a userfriendly platform: the EU FarmBook. The platform brings together new knowledge from EU-funded research and innovation projects to make it available in one place for the farmers, foresters and advisors across Europe, who need it the most. Research knowledge and innovation are key enablers of the changes needed in agriculture, forestry and the broader rural economy to accelerate the necessary transition to more sustainable production systems by 2030. EUREKA (and its sister project EURAKNOS) were founded on the idea that innovation in European agriculture and forestry can be accelerated by improved (digital) exchange of best practices between farmers, researchers and advisors from different sectors and Member States. More: here